
  1. 436 Posts.
    This politics forum is a sham. There is almost no discussion of politics on it. It has been reduced to the blue team on one side saying “you people are the worst!” and the red team on the other saying “no YOU are the worst!”

    and while that is ridiculously stupid, it IS tolerable AND understandable – I've done it myself many times. So that's not the real problem as I see it.

    The REAL problem is this.

    I have read a bunch of posts containing some serious negativity towards the PM that all have one thing in common. And it sickens me to read them.

    After making some claim that the PM is the most evil person in the world the posters (in some wild attempt to double-down) go on to make some vague connection with either,

    1/ Hitler and the Nazis
    2/ Robert Mugabi
    3/ Stalin and (I'm guessing) the gulags
    4/ Polpot and (I'm guessing) the Khmer Rouge

    Basically the four individuals/regimes guilty of the most despicable, heinous, monstrous crimes in the history of EVERYTHING!

    Difference of opinion aside (and I'm sure we all have STRONG differences of opinion), I must ask this...

    What the hell is wrong with you people?!

    Do you have any idea how,

    1/ utterly ridiculous those connections are?

    2/ Insulting those claims are to the Prime Minister who is not, in any way, shape or form REMOTELY similar to any of those merciless, brutal, vicious MUDERERS?

    3/ Insulting those claims are to the victims/relatives of victims whose suffering you casually trivialise by making the comparison ??? *

    We have lots of German, Jewish, Russian (although any Soviet block country will do), African AND Vietnamese immigrants in this country – (I know I've missed MANY groups but you know what I mean). It's a fair bet that many of them will have been affected by those monsters. When you make that connection you're basically saying that the RELATIVELY minor (and they ARE minor – get over yourselves!) gripes you have are equal to the unimaginable suffering they went through

    NOW! - to all of you who have made these comments in the past

    Don't back-pedal!
    Don't say “oh, no no no, you've misunderstood – All I meant was blah blah blah.... “
    Don't point the finger at the other side as if two-wrongs make a right – If the other side has done it too then that is JUST as bad
    ALL you need to say is,

    “yeah – fair enough... Those comments were in poor taste and we shouldn't make ANY connection between J.G. and any of those brutal murderers”

    * Saying the Prime Minister is the same as them (or in some way similar) is like saying, “damn this coffee is taking ages – this is as bad as cancer” It's

    1/ bloody ridiculous!
    2/ bloody insensitive!
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