enough!, page-30

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    hi iron mike....

    I agree with the saying....evil only prevails when good men stay silent

    hence I consider myself a good man, so feel I should voice my opinion, speak up...

    as for the thumbs up....I know who the posters were, that were posting 30-40 posts a day on the politics forum...

    they are the same ones who attack me every now and again...
    and also pretend to be angels

    I had nothing much to say when the liberals were in power and Howard and team were doing such a great job

    but when the lab supporters were denigrating him, and giving all the wraps to the crap that rudd was promising them....I had to speak up...I dont care if no one listened...
    but some may have....

    it was quite disgusting in those days, and they were allowed to get away with so much....they could defame Howard left right and center....but spell Rudd's name wrong or her name....and it was not allowed

    there were two rules, one for the lib supporters, and almost no rules for the other side
    anyway that is in the past, and it has been cleaned up..
    for the better
    some of us can read people better than others
    just watch their body language, verbals,
    and see what they do

    after all their promises, everything turned out to be massive stuff ups on a scale never witnessed before

    I rarely converse with other posters, like some do...as in a verbal jousting match, that goes on for days on end

    I like to raise a problem, or a point of view and leave it at that
    but if one wanted a jousting match it would be so easy....

    some are so precious, everything stated is like a conspiracy theory for them...
    why do they feel it is personal, and directed at them...

    when in fact one is usually talking about a member of parliament ?

    I guess things will quieten down over the christmas break, with all the pollies overseas, and little or now news coming out...

    plus the politics forum helps to beat the boredom some days, and one can have a good old laugh
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