CVI 0.00% 0.3¢ cvi energy corporation limited

entitlement issue, page-133

  1. =V=
    2,387 Posts.
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    This is off BPO as a guide.

    3 October 2008

    The Manager
    Company Announcements
    Australian Stock Exchange
    Level 4, 20 Bridge Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000


    The company has received a requisition from shareholders holding more than 5% of the issued capital to call a general meeting under Section 249D of the Corporations Act.

    The requisition has been received from Solagran Limited (ASX: SLA) for the purposes of putting to shareholders a resolution for the removal of Mr Stephen Morrow as a Director and non-executive Chairman of the company

    The company is reviewing the request and will keep the market informed of developments.

    Yours sincerely
    Colin Johnston
    Company Secretary

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Currently unlisted public company.

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