EPIC FAIL. Biden wants UK to re-join EU, page-10

  1. 26,852 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4584
    you’re thinking of eggs.

    There will be no second referendum under any Conservative government.

    It can never be as simple as a simple majority of Scottish residents. (1st referendum was a moment of Cameron madness.) The rest of the UK needs to have a say in the matter if it is ever a question put to those North of the border again. The Scottish economy cannot stand by itself unless oil is about $150/barrel, North Sea oil isn’t going to last in any case and it doesn’t necessarily belong exclusively to Scotland either - the whole concept Scotland could afford itself is a total myth, they got nothing else other than whisky, kilts, marmalade and haggis.
    Scots live in the rest of the UK and English, Welsh, Irish live in Scotland. That’s why they call it a United Kingdom. Scotland now has a devolved parliament and the way forward is over time, to find a balance between Westminster and Holyrood. If that means gradually transferring more powers to Holyrood, so everyone’s happy, so be it. Any Scot who want’s independence from the UK so they can rejoin the EU is one wee dram short of a full bottle of Scotch.
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