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epl approved ???, page-14

  1. 2,318 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 269
    Could this be an indication that things are moving ?

    Let's hope so.
    The status of EPL 3138 on the MME website still indicates pending as at 4/4/11 you just never know !

    5 April 2011
    Extension of EPL 3138
    Extract Resources Limited (ASX/TSX/NSX: EXT) ("Extract" or the ?Company?) is pleased to announce that Extract?s wholly owned subsidiary, Swakop Uranium (Pty) Ltd, has received a two year extension for EPL 3138 (to April 2013), which covers the area where the Husab Uranium Project is located (see Figure 1). The extension will allow Extract to continue its exploration program over the 15 kilometre prospective stratigraphic trend from the northern end of Zone 1, south to Salem.
    Extract Resources CEO and Managing Director Mr Jonathan Leslie said: ?This is an extremely positive outcome for the Company and confirms the Namibian Government?s support for the Project and the exploration completed by the Company to date.?
    Figure 1: Husab Uranium Project location plan
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