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    US Attorney General Barr adds to coverup in death of Jeffrey Epstein

    By Kevin Reed
    26 November 2019

    US Attorney General William Barr backtracked on comments he made last August about the circumstances surrounding the death of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, telling the Associated Press on Friday that a series of mistakes by prison authorities gave the multimillionaire Wall Street consultant the opportunity to kill himself in his jail cell on August 10.

    Barr said that although he initially had “suspicions” about Epstein’s death under federal custody at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Manhattan, he had come to the conclusions that it was a suicide.

    Barr told the AP that “he personally reviewed security footage that confirmed that no one entered the area where Epstein was housed on the night he died.” However, it is not clear what video Barr reviewed, since prior to the AP interview it had been widely reported that both surveillance cameras near Epstein’s cell were discovered to be dysfunctional following their removal as part of the FBI investigation.

    Although Barr is now endorsing the finding of the New York medical examiner that Epstein died from “suicide by hanging” and says that his conclusion is based on an investigation conducted by the FBI and the Justice Department inspector general, the details of this investigation have not been made public.

    Barr’s “perfect storm” theory is dubious on its face since the known facts surrounding Epstein’s death, including any so-called prison “screwups,” point in the direction of murder, not suicide. The most important of these facts are:

    * Epstein was a member of the financial elite with social and business ties to top US political figures, foreign dignitaries, royalty and the super-rich around the world. Many of these associates frequented Epstein’s lavish residences in New York City and Little St. James in the Caribbean, euphemistically referred to as “Orgy Island.”

    * Epstein had been arrested and charged with sex crimes previously in 2006 and 2008, but his connections with people in high places resulted in cover-ups. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/11/26/barr-n26.html

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