CSV 0.00% 30.5¢ csg limited

out of the blue indeed. I was told by Kev as recent as last...

  1. 5,583 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    out of the blue indeed. I was told by Kev as recent as last month, when quizzed about the prospect of a capital raising, that "not a chance, unless there was a serious deterioration in the business"...

    Well, well, looks like business ain't so rosy after all, despite the recent update. You'd think with an expected NPAT of ~$40million they'd be generating enough cash to cover the stated expenses... but alas, I suspect something might be awry about the way they keep their books.

    Anyway, they've now lost my confidence and trust.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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