FDL flinders diamonds limited

estimates and the next announcment, page-5

  1. 3,267 Posts.
    Let's say the results from the samples reveal say 60 to 63% haematite content, there could be a rise in the sp but it depends on whether that sort of % haematite is already factored into the sp. Next week is more likely the timing as labs have been flat out as most companies are reporting delays in getting back results.
    The Comsec 15 may 08 Research Insight has an article titled Get Ready to Trade...Private trader, candlestick expert, and the author of four best-selling trading books, Louise Bedford
    (tradingsecrets.com.au) says her analysis is revealing bullish signals on both the daily and weekly charts. “There
    are early signs that more bullish times are just around the corner,” Bedford says. “The weekly chart of the All-
    Ordinaries Index has produced a bullish momentum indicator which also corresponds with the breakout of the
    ascending triangle on the daily chart that occurred last week.”
    It is well worth the read. I get it emailed and am not sure if it accessible via the comsec website to non comsec clients but it is really worth reading if you can track it down.
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