FWIWSMH 04/01/2012Spam knocks E*Trade offlineLeonie...

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    SMH 04/01/2012

    Spam knocks E*Trade offline
    Leonie Lamont
    January 5, 2012

    AUSTRALIA'S second-biggest online broking business, ANZ's E*Trade, was forced to shut down over Christmas and New Year because of a ''malicious'' cyber attack from overseas.

    Thousands of emails bombarded the broking site in a ''denial of service'' attack. The lockout was first noticed by E*Trade customers trying to access the site from overseas, as the bank shut off access to all overseas users. It is believed that as risk assessments were done on individual countries, access was restored.

    An E*Trade spokesman said that, while the closure principally affected users overseas, there was ''intermittent access for customers in Australia on 19 and 20 December''.

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    Customers in some countries were unable to access the site for nearly two weeks. One frustrated customer emailed BusinessDay on New Year's Eve, saying he was trying to prepare a tax return while in the US and Canada, and still could not access his account.

    The spokesman would not elaborate on details of the attack.

    ''We experienced some malicious activity that impacted the performance of the E*Trade website prior to Christmas,'' he said. ''We responded immediately to minimise any disruption to our clients and ensure our data remained secure. This meant that clients may have had trouble accessing E*Trade from overseas but we were able to assist customers that made contact to execute trades during this period. At no stage was security of the E*Trade site breached.''

    The Australian Institute of Criminology last year put out a paper on the cyber threat faced by the financial and insurance industry, which it said was the ''target of choice''. The sector's increasing dependence on information and communications technology exposed it to a ''wide range of financially motivated cyber criminal activities'', the paper said.

    While a denial of service attack prevents customers and the business from trading, such attacks can also mask other illegal activities. Businesses that experience denial of service attacks, according to observers, not only lose the value of the business they would normally have conducted, but also goodwill and reputation with customers, who increasingly expect on-demand service.

    With the market closed for part of the period, and lower-volume holiday trading, it is difficult to know what may have been the financial impact on E*Trade. But in the financial year to September, it had taken a hit.

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