I have been checking polls all over the place. It seems to me...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I have been checking polls all over the place. It seems to me that Abbott would be a disaster for the Liberals. Hockey would be a better bet but surprisingly Turnbull is preferred to both even though a small majority still think he will be rolled by the spillers or should I say spoilers next week. The next round of major polls that take account the current events will be very interesting. The Morgan poll that was taken just before all of this already reflects a higher Labor vote so I would envisage the next polls that do take the leadership and ETS liberal back-down on their commitment may reflect a rout in favour of Labor and the Greens.

    I cannot understand how a coterie of right wing zealots can be allowed to do this to their Party and to flaunt the Governments mandate to introduce an ETS and in fact they are flaunting John Howard's position on the ETS and now their current leaders position. Joe Hockey supports the ETS and Abbott is only changing his mind to secure the leadership and will probably give him a higher super payout when he retires, Only hypothetical though as he may suit the right wing zealots but will never achieve government as polling indicates he is the least acceptable to the electorate of the contenders so far.

    The ETS whether now or later will get up so why are they destroying their own Liberal Party.

    You never know that out of all this Turnbull may just prevail, particularly if Hockey keeps his word and does not challenge. In any event Hockey supports the ETS so why destroy a party simply over the timing.

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