eu poll - as expected.

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Never expected anything else off EU.

    If Santa Claus's sled broke down, an EU poll would have have found that the Jews were responsible for that as well.

    Hope the results are published on really soft paper......peferably in perforated roll form.

    Nov. 1, 2003
    EU poll: Israel greatest threat to world peace

    Fifty-nine percent of Europeans say that Israel is a larger threat to world peace than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan, according to a European Commission survey of approximately 7,500 Europeans, scheduled to be made public on Monday.

    Given a list of 15 countries, including Iran and North Korea, Israel was listed as the greatest threat to world peace, the Spanish daily El Pais reported.

    The EU has denied allegations that it suppressed the results of the survey.

    "This poll is an indication that Europeans have bought in, 'hook, line and sinker', to the vilification and demonization campaign directed against the State of Israel and her supporters by European leaders and media," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the Wiesenthal Center's founder and dean.

    "If the results of this survey are as reported, then Israel should draw the only conclusion possible - that the European Union and its members should play no role in any future peace process," Hier said.

    Hier added that the poll only shows that "antisemitism is deeply embedded within European society, more then any other period since the end of WWII."

    In a statement sent to the The Jerusalem Post Minister-without-Portfolio with responsibility for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Natan Sharansky deplored the findings of the poll. "The fact that most Europeans view Israel as the greatest threat to world peace instead of nations that support terrorism, or dictators threatening the world with weapons of mass destruction, is further proof that behind Europe's 'political' criticism of Israel lies pure anti-Semitism," Sharansky said.

    "Just as in the past when Jews were blamed for all the world's problems, today's 'enlightened' nations are doing the same to Israel," Sharansky added.

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