European Muslim Migrations -Failed muslim societies, page-9

  1. Dis
    3,746 Posts.
    The whole middle east is going to collapse. It will get a lot worse before it gets better, and likely grind on for decades. With its proximity, I don't think Europe can escape. Europe may blow up quickly, or it may die by a 1000 cuts but I fear its destruction has already been back into the cake.

    What realistic solution is there?

    Syria and Iraq are countries in name only. Lybia the same.
    Lebanon can't even collect its own garbage. The Sunni refugees are messing with the sectarian balance / the Shiite majority and tensions are fraying fast.
    Jordan has huge amounts of refugees without much money to support them.
    Oil fututes are sub $70 for a decade which will bankrupt the "rich oil nations". The leadership wont be able to buy peace and there will be inevitable civil unrest
    The best and brightest from all these failed states are the ones who have the money and means to flee. The ones left behind can't rebuild the nation.
    A generation of kids now have no schooling and know nothing but war. A generation of adults have wasted their entire productive years. If this isnt a recipe for desperation and radicalisation, I dont know what is.

    All this means no respite for Europe. Whether European countries lay down and commit cultural suicide, or fight back with the inevitable rise of the far right, its going to be very ugly.

    And by far right, I mean FAR right. The current right wing groups like Reclaim Australia, UKIP, etc have reasonable rational policies. No everyone will agree with them but they can be debated by average people. Unfortunatley the PC brigade are determined to crush any nuanced debate that does not fit the group think model. A complete lack of forward planning that will inevitably lead to much harder choices later.
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