Why the heck would you have an F250 on gas rather than diesel ?...

  1. 35,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Why the heck would you have an F250 on gas rather than diesel ? Is it an old one ?

    For the fiftieth time I am not talking about heavy transport or big vehicles in remote areas . I am talking about all the other ones which are the vast of majority that could be electric from a practicality point of view .

    Actually , hydrogen for long distance trucks probably make the most sense . Hydrogen is harder to transport and the filling stations are expensive so it is logical to have fewer of them . Having them at either end of long distance runs or large transport depots make sense .
    That said , a step change in battery development might still make them redundant .

    Electric buses declining ? Here's a really interesting article in the Fin about the rise of the electric bus around the world . The other thing to remember is that this technology is transferring to all those garbage trucks , local delivery trucks etc . There are millions of diesel trucks that do short distances each day that could easily use this technology .

    https://www.copyright link/business...-the-warren-buffettbacked-byd-20180424-h0z77j
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