@1ronnie - I haven't followed the Elon Musk story in great...

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    @1ronnie - I haven't followed the Elon Musk story in great detail, got interested at one stage, watched his Mum on TV, realised she was the font of ambition whose waters fed brilliant boy child Elon, and he continues in that happy tradition, but often, like geniuses (or genii) are wont to do, is all over the place. Bursts into new areas, fails, tries something different. - I also have heard he has a bunch of kids (11 at latest count), some arrived at with the help of 'medical technology' and - initially - he and his then wife had twins and triplets - a man of extremes - and the first wife left - overwhelmed no doubt. But now that he has control over so much money, people's careers etc, he may settle down - I believe he is on some sort of 'spectrum', but maybe most extraordinary people are, just the same; a man worth watching.
    Be ready to be surprised by Elon Musk!

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