LTR 2.17% 67.5¢ liontown resources limited

EV Trade War, East vs West 8:30 pm Four Corners ABC, page-62

  1. 5 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I just cannot understand the rational for a hybrid, as it is just another layer of maintenance, albeit minimal, but it is definitely another layer of added weight the ICE has to lug around and at the same time charge the battery!And battery vehicles are notoriously heavier.Sure, you can use the battery in congested areas for about 30km, but that is a huge outlay for a very small return - imo.

    As an avid EV owner ( First a Nissan Leaf / 2nd a Mitsubishi SUV Hybrid plug in/ 3rd a Volvo C40 Recharge - my current vehicle, I can say that Hybrids in Oz will be more popular because of Range anxiety plus recharging facilities at home. The plug in hybrid variety can be easily charged at home, and if you have Solar the cost to charge is zero. This variety of EV can be run on a daily basis on battery only making your actual running costs almost zero. If you go on a long trip you have the benefit of the ICE charging the battery and switching to EV mode effortlessly. When the battery runs out the Hybrid switches back to the ICE and at the same time charges the battery so that in minutes the battery drive can be used again . Then it is a case of rinse and repeat.
    Def a major place in Oz Motoring.
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