If you have ever come across a situation in your trading journey where the market is moving sideways, and you don't know what to do, what alternative do you turn to?With the way the Bitcoin market is going sideways and finding it difficult to break the resistance and form a new all-time high a lot of traders have been so unsure of what to do next and I often find myself in this type of situation and what I do is to look for some play to earn to engage in to ensure that while I wait for the market I am making good use of my time to prepare for the next phase of the market. I also look for fare ways into things like good APR savings, it could be in ETH or USDT or something more stable that I know I can easily put my asset to work instead of watching the chart. I learnt this early enough as newbies starting out with the blockchain ecosystem.Mind sharing how you go about yours?
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