Everyone that thirsts for God come freely to the waters., page-78

  1. 23,362 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Oh please wotsup, the Bible came out of catholic teachings"

    It came out of the likes of Jesus's, the Apostle etc teachings.
    There was even corruption of truth occurring in their times, your current CC roots, beginning around the 100's.
    The said commentary that you speak of ADDED in your Bible, the likes of what you mention for John 17:3 (Very questionable), would have come about Many years latter, with all the other CC corruptions.
    " THATS CORRECT WOTSUP, GOD IS one, That's what I've been telling you for 8 years now"

    He is one as in The ONE Holy Spirit, the one that Jesus independently of himself, defines as the Only True God and Father, when he was here, as he was Not a begotten God until after the cross, exalted and glorified John 1:18.


    Goodness me, the OT repeatedly shows you the efforts and time that God put in to make himself known and followed, now seriously, do you think he would keep it a secrete that he consisted of 3 persons??????????????????? Time to use the brain that he gave you, or were you last in the line when brains were given out ? tongue.pngtongue.png
    Thinking of the future, lets just say that both of us make it and you then see this clear and obvious truth that the Bible shows, I can just picture you rolling on the ground laughing and thinking, how stupid and delusional you had been and wondering, how on earth could you see what you now see ?????? what.png
    OH, that's after God wipes away your tears eek.pngbiggrin.png
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