EVG 8.70% 2.5¢ evion group nl

Elon has a preference for cheap Chinese product... who would...

  1. 3,905 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 964
    Elon has a preference for cheap Chinese product... who would have thought rolleyes.png .... it's difficult to make big profits and prioritise the environment. Looks like the tariffs debate will drag out for most of this year.

    The Trump factor is unknown. In his own words, "all hell is going to break loose".... whatever that means what.png


    Good luck to us all.
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Mkt cap ! $8.674M
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2.4¢ 2.5¢ 2.4¢ $2.845K 117.7K

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1 68059 2.4¢

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2.5¢ 30000 1
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Last trade - 14.49pm 05/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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