He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross - then so that...

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    He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross -


    so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness

    If Jesus literally bore our sins, paid for our sin, or died for our sins, then we have no need to, die to sin because this was done by proxy by your reasoning.

    The meaning of, He Himself bore our sins is that Jesus was likely fully aware of the consequences of His actions. His actions were a sacrifice to assist us to free ourselves from sin.

    The consequences of Jesus delivering a series of teachings to educate and uplift the human condition came with the knowledge that He would be put to a terrible death. He thereby sacrificed His life for humanity to rekindle in the human heart the love of God and to deliver people from sin. God did not need to see Jesus murdered to reestablish a covenant with humanity. It was always intact. Humanity had fallen to sleep, they had lost their way. Jesus illumined the path to God via the extreme sacrifice and the way to God was clearly established again.

    To literally die for our sins is an injustice because Jesus can't take responsibility for your or my sin. Each human is the owner of and is completely responserable for their own sins. Nobody can literally die for you so that your sins no longer exist.

    Also you did not exist when Jesus was murdered so how could He for non existing sins? It makes no sense in a literal sense.

    Not so much the gospel of Waffle at all. Some beliefs just slip on through without getting tested by reason. To die for our sins would be a gross injustice and I doubt Jesus and your God would be party to such an injustice.
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