3GB"I have provided examples of incremental change over time to...

  1. 1,452 Posts.

    "I have provided examples of incremental change over time to support my opinion, examples of evidence you requested."

    Yes, you did. You provided an example to support YOUR opinion. The fact that YOUR opinion has absolutely nothing to do with the question nor accepted science concerning "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"
    is neither here nor there as far as you are concerned.

    I'll try one more time.

    Noah took dogs on the ark. From those dogs all the different dogs that we have today are from those dogs that were on the ark. This seems to be the point you don't understand concerning evolution. No one says a terrier & a poodle breeding won't give you a cross between a terrier and a poodle. That cross is still a dog. Still within it's kind.

    So for evolution to have any basis in reality you need a (I'm saying this in laymans terms so it's understandable) dog breeding with a zebra to give you a new species.

    21 And God created the great sea creatures and all living creatures that move and swarm in the waters according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

    12 And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good.

    All things not only creatures are confined to their kinds. A dog is a dog. A dog was a dog. A dog will always be a dog.

    I can't say it in any simpler English.
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