evolution is for monkeys, page-2

  1. 3,312 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Why do you think, as a mere mortal, you are able to understand all of gods will?

    How do you know the gifting of free will doesnt apply to the whole universe and not just humans?

    Gods will was interpreted by a group of mortals 2000 years ago and the words applied as well as they could for that time.

    The world has moved forward since then and trying to hold onto the limitations of the mortals who come never understand gods will fully or illiterate gods will fully is not religion or Christianity.

    It is dark ages like control. Man attempting to control other men is not what Christianity is about. Man trying to halt the progress of other man is not what Christianity is about.

    Take a step back and look at the general themese behind the tales and apply them to today's world.

    Don't look at the tales of 2000 years ago in a concrete nature or all you will be a man limited by the limitations of previous men.
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