Evolution is not a scientific theory, page-452

  1. 25,632 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi pinto

    I fully agree that the term education system as the totality of what is wrong has a multitude of facets, but as a single description it is correct
    A* it did not get destroyed just last week, it took years of dedicated work by various groups to achieve this fate
    B * it also took an abundance of lazy, incompetent people in the service or their country
    C * it also took an apathetic citizenry who were complicit in it's destruction

    Nothing happens in a vacuum, anything achieved requires hard and dedicated work, and in education it covers everyone basically as we are all some way involved

    In the USA they have these powerful school groups which have left the school system to become quasi political groups,
    in turn we have parents/teachers groups which have no power, so cannot stop the rot even when it is apparent

    an education system is nothing more than a tool, like a hammer or an anvil

    I don't agree that's an accurate comment, as such that it is far more, it is the key to the future and without the key we are all lost, also it is the governments responsibility to provide all of it's citizens the best available education

    Here the government lets the side down as the public service is too regimented into it's culture of communism that it will not differentiate and recognize the skills of individuals and just puts them all in one box.
    I think this is due to the poor standard of teachers who are unable to cope with bright, brilliant students

    I don't come into close contact with many teachers buy I am appalled at their lack of the knowledge of even how to relate to younger people and their over-riding sense of power __ I will be obeyed

    As to your mechanic story I agree we must be able to serve this person properly, during my life I have seen numerous under performing youngsters who are so very capable but are denied the chance, once again everyone has to go into the same box as the teachers /leaders simply do not have the ability to find them and do what is needed for them, it's just too hard for them

    It is an "how do you eat an elephant story again" the job is so large you have to set a plan and follow the plan from the ground up --- that plan is never dependent on more and more money, more can cause disease
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