evolution perpetuates 4.5billion yo earth myth, page-154

  1. 7,432 Posts.
    but dino back then there was some kinda cloud thing holding all this moisture that God got to break up and innundate the Earth.
    This same cloud is also proposed by the Young Earth crowd of creationism as trapping more oxygen around thus explaining Adam and Methusalah etc were able to live for 1000 years

    Basically there's a sect of creationism christians who have to believe every word of the bible is Fact and anything from evolution to carbon dating is mumbo jumbo
    and any dissent and doubt is from Lucifer and his cohort the Pope.
    They are witness to the growing New World Order that is heralding the Rapture so they are determined by prolethising [however spelt] but they are determined by their actions that God picks them to be transported into Glory.

    Wonder which temple or chuch,meeting house they're going to? but yet they dabble in the gnostic heresies.
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