no dino,Its easy to just call someone who has a differing...

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    no dino,

    Its easy to just call someone who has a differing opinion to you religous,as this thread seems to try to create

    Definition of what science is

    1. The systematic observation of natural events and conditions in order to discover facts about them and to formulate laws and principles based on these facts.

    2. The organized body of knowledge that is derived from such observations and that can be verified or tested by further investigation
    Academic Press Dictionary of Science & Technology

    Evolution,is a belief system,it is in a sense,a religion,as i have said on numerous occassions

    Although its desciples on this thread will not accept the fact it is a belief system,you can see by their zealousness its no differant than any belief system

    As the above quote says,science is demonstratable

    Evolution is not demonstratable,and so falls into the catagory of belief,belief needs faith and assumptions

    To believe that something millions of years ago,non living inanimate,became living and animate,takes faith got it?

    It is not demonstratable,were you there?was anyone there?
    that is why it is called evolution theory,because that is exactly what it is,an idea,science is altogether differant

    The order of the universe smacks of intelligence,if the sun were any closer,we die,any further back,we die

    Information,always comes from a greater source of information,you certainly can believe as you wish,and i support that

    Do you realise the fact that the basis of our society laws etc is based on judeo/christianity,the fact that in a court of law we swear on the bible attests to that fact

    Evolutionistic based governments would not allow you to have this freedom of thought, to believe as your conscience allows in regards to belief.

    Communist russia,china,korea etc
    do not allow for individualism and imo devalue life and basic rights in regards especially to freedom of thought

    The very thinking of globalisation is initially socialist,and will become facist imo

    The basis for this form of government is evolution,this is exactly why judeo/christianity is snided at,not given the same right of reply in media and science,dismissed as archaic and invalid,when the historical facts of western government(not now)demands freedom of secular and religous beliefs by law,as we see this basis being torn down,we see the freedoms we ahve all enjoyed eroded,and replaced with pc policies morals replaced with ethics

    Hc is full of people complaining with posts of how the west is being eroded etc,but few will ever realise or want to acknowledge its because the foundations are being torn down
    to what built our free society

    Ophir galations 4.25 says that mt sianai of the bible which you were discussing is in arabia,so you cannot be right imo

    In regards to the posts about the flood etc,those posters assume,that the way the earth is today,is the way it has always been,which is an assumption

    Carbon dating which is used by evolutionists is so flawed,it is rediculous a great book i have read on the so called science,which under scrutiny is another faith based assumption,not science

    The battle of the west has come down to ideology

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