"madam blavatsky is the founder of modern day spiritualism,she...

  1. 13,769 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19

    "madam blavatsky is the founder of modern day spiritualism,she is an occultist and of course she would say negative things about christianity"

    Occultism = something that is hidden - just like your God which as it happens is extremely well hidden.

    Many realise that religion is a gigantic conjob.

    Check out the links on this page - If U dare.



    Maybe you should read the above links because as sure as light follows day for some reason of the headlined 4.5 billion years the Son of God decided to have a go at life on Earth 2k odd years ago. Preached for 3 years before the nails put an end to it.

    What the true believers need to do is ROLL AWAY THE STONE (of matter) from their eyes & see the LIGHT!!

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