Wow the general level of ignorance on this thread astounds...

  1. 317 Posts.
    Wow the general level of ignorance on this thread astounds me.

    God of the gaps, the last refuge for the superstitious true believers.

    Of course because the explanation of "how" is still incomplete, it becomes necessary for some people to fill the holes that are left with something rather than what they should do and just leave them blank.

    Humans are so stupidly arrogant that we believe there has to be a why in order to justify our existence. It would be funny if it wasn't dangerous; people with these kinds of belief and this kind of fake logic run governments and make laws that affect all of us.

    When examining matters of superstition (or faith if you want) just look at occam's razor. The simplest and most likely solution is probably the right one.

    Just because you want something to be true, doesn't mean it is. Just because a person interprets the world in a certain way doesn;t actually mean the world is that way.

    There doesn't have to be an answer as to why. By they way all the crap he was sying in the video about objects in coal is actually ridiculous. And without evidence it is just stupid and stubborn belief - like when people thought the earth was flat - the limit of knowledge of the age.

    Don't even start with people seeing visions and "knowing what they saw/heard/felt was true." Research the effects of Ketamine experiments done in WW2 on US servicemen.

    It is so frustrating that we haven't progressed past superstition and the ridiculous notion and idea that humans are somehow important in the universe and that our life's path is somehow guided by the orbits of celestial bodies that have no idea we even exist let alone take an interest in affecting our life.

    There is no why

    Get comfort in reality, not from superstition.



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