EVs?.... doesnt make sense., page-552

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "In the interim decade or two there'll be quite an industrial relations upheaval as unemployment starts to rocket and entrepreneurship dies out after all the great small businesses are now designed by AI robots and all the inventions humans create are superseded by AI jobs which are more effective and efficient. corporate taxes will also have to increase to pay for the unemployed or pensioners and health care.

    I don't see this bill being easy to pass in the Lower House, do you?

    No, imo, there'll be serious Govt legislation to slow the uptake of robotics eventually."

    that lot ----------- I've no idea how it's going to pan out --

    my suspicion is that conservative forces will attempt to get in the way -

    because they won't be able to grasp that they cannot stop the freight train - but, because they don't have any ideas on how to run a new society - they will try to impede it.

    I think they will be run over by the speeding train - and, IMO - government and societies are just going to have to learn a totally new way to fund people to live

    it's interesting that Covid has come along - because -- forget Oz - in places like UK, Fr, Italy, Germany, NL etc etc ------

    we basically are having an express look at what the hell happens when you shut down the labor income of a huge amount of your population

    really --------------- it's a real gift as an experiment --------- I don't think they are using it as such ------- well - it's to be seen how we pull out of it -

    but, if they could only project themselves into a situation and say -

    well - if this went on forever - how would we handle it ------- because - IMO - if we could work through that - we'd probably get a really good handle - or at least some great learning on what IS COMING - it's coming for certain and it's coming in a very short few years away

    Covid to me - is actually a gift in this -------- my guess is a wasted gift.

    Personally - I think there's a few ideas that could be kicked about for when we get human robots - if we wanted to continue on with the same sort of system that we have atm -

    being - we go to work, get paid, spend the pay - business gets our pay as customers - we all pay tax - etc etc.

    if we can't work out how to make it work in the future with some new way of economy ---------

    then, we could make an attempt to keep it like it is - but, it would require some slightly radical ideas ------

    one idea would be to ban business from having robots ----------- to allow people to own the robots ----------- and, allow people to send personal robots to work -------- instead of going themselves

    the robots do the job - the pay comes to the owners - and everything stays the same - people pay income tax - for the income the robot brought in - companies pay company tax, we all pay gst - etc etc.

    what we would have is something not all that far off the Greeks and their slaves - except that our slaves are machines and the economy just more developed

    that's one idea - if we can't get a real idea up and working

    whatever it is - we need to hurry - because governments are NOT going to be able to stop the takeup of the technology - either people will take it up and business will take it up ----------- either way --------- the bots will do the work - one way or another
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