Ex Aussie PM John Howard: The Case For Conservatism, page-2

  1. 1,518 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    And he did so much to remove the gap between rich and poor!
    What a crock of ......!
    Never left any major infrastructure. Created bucket loads of middle class welfare and left the poor even further behind. He thought the poor lived close to Hornsby which, in his view, was a long, long way from the leafy North Shore. Mt Druitt? Leave that to Abbott to sort out those bludgers.
    H was lucky to become PM during the greatest boom in our history, driven by China's demand for resources and having a competent Treasure on hand.
    A visionary leader would have grasped that opportunity and wrought massive change on Australia which should have set us on a great path for future generations.
    Instead we got a suburban lawyer who just continued in the conveyancing, drafting wills mode.
    A Whitlam with the steadying hand of Keating, would have been a great team back then.
    And I have never voted Labour but I am sick to death of this succession of limp Liberal PMs who cannot lead with vision
    Leaders without vision will fail. Leaders who lack vision cannot inspire and excite the nation, motivate performance, create sustainable value and provide hope in the future.
    A good PM will align the nation around a clear and achievable vision.
    Our current lot i.e. Turnbull (and Abbott before him), and Shorten are seemingly incapable of articulating a vision for the future.
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