Consultation with NTG advisory bodies identified that there is a risk of significant impact to the environment from the Darwin Refinery. In particular: • The proposed Darwin Refinery site is located immediately adjacent to the Elizabeth River, Darwin Harbour. Darwin Harbour is recognised nationally for significant mangrove communities 1 and biodiversity values. 2 The NOi stated that the Darwin Refinery would not impact the coastal fringes, including the mangrove communities, because dewatering during construction, clearing of wetland habitat or operational waste discharges would not occur. However, vegetation clearing activities and the operation of the Darwin Refinery, including the transport and loading of product at the site, would require procedures to 1 Northern Territory Government. Sites of Conservation Significance Darwin Harbour. Available at: data/assets/pdf file/0020/13934/06 darwin.pdf 2 Smit, N., Penny , S.S. and Griffiths, AD., 2012. Assessment of marine biodiversity and habitat mapping in the Weddell region, Darwin Harbour. Report to the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment. Department of Land Resource Management, Palmerston. Available at: data/assets/pdf file/0006/350385/Weddell-Marine-Biodiversity-and-habitats-2012-optimised .pdf address potential uncontrolled emissions or discharges, dust and spills entering the El1zabeth River. • The proposed Darwin Refinery is situated within 3 km of the suburb of Bellamack and within 4 km of the proposed Weddell urban area. There is the potential competing interest in respect of the siting of heavy industry and proximity to residential areas. The potential impact of noise, lighting and emissions from the operations on existin_g residents and the proposed action impacting the potential future development of the area • Atmospheric emissions from the Darwin Refinery are expected to be comprised of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water and oxygen; it is unknown whether particular noxious or toxic emissions are anticipated. The NOi identified that further information is required to define and quantify the atmospheric emissions generated from the refinery process, including modelling and the identification of and potential exposure to sensitive· receptors. • The NOi identified that the waste streams generated during the operations of the Darwin Refinery and disposal options are currently unknown. There is a risk that inappropriate identification of waste streams and poor waste management could result in a significant impact on the environment. • Risks associated with the transportation of hazardous goods on public roads and increased traffic combined with existing and future traffic, such as traffic to the INPEX site. • The Darwin Refinery will require significant quantities of gas (62 PJ per annum), and other services, to operate. It is likely that this will increase the demand and/or impact on existing services and infrastructure, including water supplies. The NTG advisory bodies identified that the NOi lacked sufficient information to address service requirements, including availability of gas and capacity of current infrastructure/services to meet the demands of the Darwin Refinery.
DECISION The NT EPA considers that there is a risk of significant impact to the environment from the proposed action and a number of risks cannot be adequately characterised without further studies and a more comprehensive assessment. Therefore, the proposed action requires assessment under the EA Act at the level of an Environmental Impact Statement.
That was signed on the 15th Jan 2017