I guess the other thing some didn't point out was that the...

  1. 1,378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    I guess the other thing some didn't point out was that the demise of the paper bag and paper straws etc, replaced by plastic was at the behest of The Greens and other activists like them. Have to cut down trees to make paper bags and straws etc. whereas plastic, we were told, would be recycled. Yes we created air-conditioning, better more efficient cars etc. for the benefit of our society. We were spoilt as kids compared to the previous generation who had to live through world war(s) etc. We have mollycoddled our kids in general. In turn each generation after the other seems to have been more and more spoiled and has less respect for older citizens than ever before.

    If the older generations did not improve our lot by creating industry, where would we be now?
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