Rashid Ali Al Khailani was the leader of the Pro Nazi Iraqi...

  1. 406 Posts.
    Rashid Ali Al Khailani was the leader of the Pro Nazi Iraqi rebels . He was defeated by the Allies , not before his blood-thirsty mobsters , POGROMMED the jews , who lived in Iraq for more than 2000 years . During a three days pogromme in about 7 Jewish suberbs of Bagdad, several nundreds of Iraqi Jews were murdered and injured . Many women were raped and murdered .
    This is a fact of history that is summed up USUALLY in one insignificant sentence by historians .
    The most alarming fact in this pogromme was, that Jews in Bagdad and Iraq as a whole , lived peacefully next to their Arab Iraqi neighbours , and the deeply rooted hatered to Jews as was evident in Europe bloody history , was not part of Iraq . A fact that did not count at all , when the Pro Nazi coup d'etas , took place . The Jews were the soft spot ( as usual ). It is also evident that the British army was not able to help the Jews and the pogromme lasted unabated for three days and nights until the mob was finally tackled by the British soldiers .
    This unprecedented attack , has ultimately been the catalyst , to the departure / exile of the 120 000 jews from Iraq to Israel between 48-51 . The majority of these Jews left behind all their LIFE ASSETS . They were only allowed one baggage with clothing and essentials .The Jews refugees in Israel lived at least for 10 years in Refugee camps until the country was able to upgrade their life standards to a better housing . Only a few scores of Jews stayed in Iraq mostly due to personal rrasons such as intermarriage. During the 1967 SIX DAY WAR, 14 Jews were taken from their homes , and were hanged , in daylight in one of the largest squares , with scores of thousands of Iraqis spectators cheering and chanting the executions.
    During the previous Gulf war in 1991, saddam Hussein's army launched 70 unprovoked scud missiles attacks on Israel . Mostly were targeted at a suberb of Tel Aviv where many of the Iraqi jewish immigrants and their children lived .
    Nice account isn't it ? Duff
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