The Israeli Arab conflict is merely a political one .Period ....

  1. 406 Posts.
    The Israeli Arab conflict is merely a political one .Period . You know that as good as me . The majority of jews in Israel niether hate the Arabs nor want to prolong this conflict . For most of the Arab world it is a subject that I have all my life been so hard to comprehend . During and after the war of 1948-1949 2.5 millions of JEWS that lived in Arab countries have become refugees , where most of them , found refuge , in Israel , and about 750 000 Arabs who lived in what was known then as Palestine , became refugees in neighbouring Arab countries . 250 000 Arabs prefered to stay in Israel , became its citizens and since have flourished as a minority . The Palestinian refugees have been segragated by their brothers hosts to in humane refugee camps , DELIBERATELY , as a political tool .
    For a non biased analyst , the bottom line , was a very miserable political event of POPULATION EXCHANGE between two conflicting nations .
    This happenned in history hundreds of times ( Europe is full of events like this ). I will not expand on this subject this time though .
    The fact is that the Arabs have not been able to reconcile the idea of a non Arab entity in the midst of their historical habitat . That is the problem .
    The conflict can be solved only through political means , though at the poles of both nations , there are considerable sections who would hardly subscribe to this ultimate notion . The cycle of violence from mainstream Palestinian side has subsided during the peace talks under the Oslo accord , though , the "poles" kept munching at each other . When the mainstream Palestinian Authority declined the former Israeli government offer for a settlement with return of 100% of the areas conquered in 67 , and changed course , to suicide bombing , the trusn t HOPE , collapsed . And that is the harshest part . I do not know how and when the process can be re started . I have no doubt , it will , and it will need great courage and hugh risk .

    A list of unprovoked violent events , that engulfed the peaceful Jewish community of Iraq by their Iraqi neighbours , was branded as whining .

    Can't you , for once , admit in facts , even if they do not tack in with your political views ? Duff
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