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Spot on BR Makes you wonder why so much effort has been made to...

  1. 806 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 129
    Spot on BR

    Makes you wonder why so much effort has been made to have your post mod'ed as unsubstantiated info when it can be easily substantiated at ones own cost of $19...

    ...I mean what's the big deal really...

    ...could Exergen relocating to larger premises actually mean they are going to ramp up commercial operations be a threat?

    That Exergen will be a few doors away from Sedgman who are actually invested in Exergen who have been instrumental in the 1.4 billion NPV JV project between Exergen and MNM at Bacchus Marsh be seen as negative.

    As far as I am aware, commercial property is usually leased for a minimum 3 year period with options to extend...why would Exergen move to larger space if (as some are hoping) the CHTD demo was defunct and Exergen were on their way out the back door?

    Indeedy...cheers K
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