John DayParticipant Coning this Gilbert Doctorow report down to...

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    John Day

    Coning this Gilbert Doctorow report down to one point, a decapitating nuclear first-strike by US/NATO: For Russia, recovering Kursk is no walk in the rose garden
    In short, the Zelensky gambit that is being enabled fully by the United States is not a PR stunt but a full-blown invasion intended to be the vanguard of what will be an air assault on Russia’s strategic assets far in the rear using JASSM, Storm Shadow and other long-range missiles launched from F16s.
    Klintsevich has further intimated that the two U.S. aircraft carriers and their escorts now in the Eastern Mediterranean may be there not to contain Iran but for an all-out attack on Russia using their jets to deliver nuclear strikes. I add to his analysis that this may explain the knock-out of Russia’s early warning radar stations in the south of the country by Ukrainian drones acting on orders from Washington.

    Ukraine may use spent nuclear fuel for a dirty bomb
    The import of spent nuclear fuel to Ukraine is a risk factor, said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense (RCBD) Troops. According to him, this fuel could be used, among other things, to create a “dirty bomb” and chemical provocations “under a false flag.” “In one of the latest briefings, we noted that the deliveries were organised through Poland and Romania under the personal control of Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian president’s office,” Mr Kirillov said at the briefing. He added that Russia had again called on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) “to conduct a real and impartial investigation.”

    Russia would nuke the US in WW-3, y’all: Russia Warns US Will Face ‘Much Harsher’ Consequences for Backing Kursk Invasion
    Ukraine is now pushing hard for the US to allow it to launch long-range strikes inside Russia using US-provided missiles. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov strongly warned against this potential escalation and said the US should understand that if World War III breaks out, it wouldn’t be contained in Europe.
    “Americans unequivocally associate conversations about Third World War as something that, God forbid, if it happens, will affect Europe exclusively,” Lavrov said.
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that his Western backers are “naive” for worrying about escalation and called Russia’s red lines a “bluff.”
    On Monday, Russia launched massive missile and drone attacks across Ukraine, which was seen as retaliation for the Kursk offensive. Russia followed up with another heavy bombing on Tuesday.
    Meanwhile, in eastern Ukraine, Russian forces continue to make steady gains, which have become more rapid since Ukraine launched its Kursk offensive on August 6.

    Simplicius, Tangible Panic Grows in Ukraine Amid Donbass-front Collapse
    It’s almost pointless even updating the exact captures and advances anymore because right now they’re simply happening so fast that within hours of the Sitrep’s release, the information is already obsolete, and Russians have advanced even more. But suffice it to say, this time there were even several major captures in areas other than Pokrovsk.
    Russian forces captured the remainder of Konstantinovka on the Ugledar line…In light of the ongoing collapse, the potential for dangerous escalation rises because Zelensky gets increasingly desperate to engineer some kind of black swan event that could overturn the table and upend events…..There’s an undercurrent of tension now running through events as other somewhat peculiar happenings have gone on. For instance, Belarus suddenly moved a lot of forces to the Ukrainian border again, and for the first time they appear to have a tactical symbol of a ‘B’ on them, as if they are preparing for direct combat…
    ..Well, lo and behold, at his latest press conference, Lavrov just stated that Russia is currently “fine tuning” or “refining” its nuclear doctrine—what could that mean? …
    ..I think it’s only natural given that Ukraine is on the final precipice of potentially being given permission to use intermediate range strategic weapons against Russian strategic sites—i.e. ATACMS, Storm Shadows, etc., potentially hitting deep Russian bases, nuclear plants, or even Moscow itself. Furthermore, the introduction of the F-16 into Ukraine, which is nuclear-capable, and which Russia must doctrinally treat as a possible nuclear threat if it ever comes close to Russian borders.

    Fall Of Key Ukrainian City To Russia Could Be An “Operational Catastrophe”
    Russian forces are only about eight miles away from Pokrovsk which is a key logistics hub for Ukraine.
    Pokrovsk “has become a key distribution hub, supporting Ukrainian forces along a broad frontline from Vuhledar to the north of Donetsk and beyond,” Tatarigami, a military observer, OSINT and GEOINT analyst and founder of Frontelligence Insight, wrote on Twitter. “Currently, only two places in the Donbas serve this vital function – Pokrovsk and Kramatorsk. The significance of Pokrovsk extends beyond its rail connections – it is also located at a key road juncture, serving a similar role in the transportation and distribution of supplies.”

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