PAR 0.00% 19.5¢ paradigm biopharmaceuticals limited..

Look I have no qualms that our data is magnificent.Yes it seems...

  1. 4,358 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6909
    Look I have no qualms that our data is magnificent.

    Yes it seems very boring at the moment as nothing is happening, we haven't had an announcement for ages...and there has been oodles of silence. Does this really mean that PAR are bored and twiddling their thumbs?

    There is very little twiddling let me be the first to assure you.

    I'm hearing 14 hour days for some.

    So I too may sound like I'm a bit quiet at the moment, this is so not true.

    So more aimed at the newbies to iPPS and PAR...this is what I've been working on in the background...


    Parts 1 and 2 posted here below, I'm in the middle of construction of parts 3 and 4 and I have 5 on the horizon as well.

    Readership is about 500 here at HC PAR, over there it's 7000 odd and I haven't even had the gaul to hit the main OA thread which is materially more.

    Please enjoy


    PART 1 - The Requirements for a winner

    PART 1 - The requirements for a winner

    I have been following a certain Aussie listed company for a number of years. I've studied the product, I've learnt the way in which it works...I've compared the other products by the so called competition and I've even managed to check out the manufacturer and have met physically, people that have tried the product and have heard their before and after stories and results.

    Tonight I want to firstly draw some high level comparisons between some beaut winners over the last few years and what similarities and indeed attributes we need for a stock to join the winner's circle.

    r/ausstocks - What's required for entry into this circle?
    What's required for entry into this circle?


    Some great stocks I've managed to be a part of are the following...dont be disillusioned, not everything I touch turns to GOLD...not everything I've bought have I held on to actually reap the full winnings! Hey, I've made mistakes! Do you own research and see what's best for you!


    r/ausstocks - Catchy and consistent marketing
    Catchy and consistent marketing

    Ahh Domino's Pizza, I still remember the first time I walked into the Werribee store in Melbourne what a sleek store it was with all their colour coding and domino icons....great tasting pizza is one thing but they had already aligned your taste buds LONG before you actually took your first chow down into their crusty magnificence. Sure that was a long time ago and I haven't had a Domino's slice for prob a decade...

    The funny thing is, I was so late to join the party! The stock was already well into the $7's...I was reluctant to buy too much as I feared it's a fair way to also fall if this thing didn't work out. From those humble days they actually took on the world and spread quickly across Aus and NZ and then went o'seas into one stage the stock hit the 7's...but there was a zero in there as $70's


    r/ausstocks - PART 1 - The requirements for a winner

    Another example was in the BioPharma space...Irradiated Micro Spheres for targeted application in Liver Cancer.

    It was quite a story, I came across this one very randomly in a Share Investment magazine...again at the time it was $7....the interesting one about this play was management weren't great. They also failed their Primary Endpoint in their clinical trial...despite that they still reached the high echelons of $41 a share and finally got taken over for around $33. I again had only a small amount but it was quite a ride.


    r/ausstocks - Clean cut offering that's fresh and aimed at the mass market.
    Clean cut offering that's fresh and aimed at the mass market.

    Glamour and attractive models with a super clean customer facing product aimed at the mass market value price point with stock rotating frequently is always going to be a winner, specially in growth phase. A darling pick up at IPO $2, now sees this one trading at around $30 plus.


    r/ausstocks - Wow - oodles of growth, pricey for end customer but best in industry - simple.
    Wow - oodles of growth, pricey for end customer but best in industry - simple.

    Now this PME thing is one heck of a meteor shooting across the Investment sky. With a proprietary system to host and stream large medical images straight to any device, this one is growing fast and has a long way to go capturing only 7% so far of the potential market in the USA to say nothing of Europe and this space, it's already at $132 or so!

    Great examples Mozz, why can't you give us one that's Pre meteoric rise? Give me a shooting star that's before the shooting part...actually even before the STAR part.

    I'll go one better, not advice, do your own research, but one that has more potential than the above ones AND it's crazy cheap (absolute value and otherwise), is coming up, but first, let's take a look at what's needed for excellence and to be admitted into this exclusive circle of potential winners.


    To enter into the Winners circle we need a few things:

    1) Super Product

    No point in just having some ace marketing if there is no real substance being offered!

    2) Let's be safe

    This play I've been looking at is in the BioPharma space, the number one goal here is patient safety. It can must do little to no harm if you want a stellar stock. what's the point of addressing one symptom but creating another?

    3) Convenient

    Sure there might be good medicines out there but how often do they have to be taken, what's their duration of effect like? No point in having an IV drip that you always have to be on, it's just not practical, it's just not patient convenient.

    4) Little to no competition

    No point in re-inventing the wheel...we need a product that can do something that nothing else can and preferably be of mass assistance to the end consumer, well, patient.

    5) Management

    For a good company to stay on track they need top management. People that know their product well. People that have had experience bringing like products to market and have the right contacts and networks to do so! Here is a stat on Founder led investments compared to the rest:

    "It's well-known that founder-led companies outperform those led by hired suits. In fact, in 2016, Bain & Company found that founder-led companies listed on the S&P 500 performed 3.1 times better than their peers over a 15-year period".

    It's well-known that founder-led companies outperform those led by hired suits. In fact, in 2016, Bain & Company found that founder-led companies listed on the S&P 500 performed 3.1 times better than their peers over a 15-year period .


    6) Scale it up

    No point in having a great product if the runway is too small!


    r/ausstocks - Yeah this thing will need some sorta large runway!
    Yeah this thing will need some sorta large runway!

    7) Copy Cat!

    Drug copying is notorious, yes you can get a degree of protection for a few years but after that? This is one area you need to secure, tightly.

    8) Manufacturing excellence

    Well not only do we need to have some prowess here, we need to be able to meet the eventual demand!

    9) I want to grow

    Always nice to have a big runway but the investor market looks to growth, what's beyond the runway, can we have multiple destinations to fly to? Is our eventual growth trajectory BROAD. or are we only a one hit wonder?

    Ok so we know what the requirements are...let's take a look at my number 1 stock and how it compares to the high level template above.

    We'll tackle that in a comprehensive fashion in Part 2, coming up real soon....

    Personal opinions expressed, none of the above is advice, do your own research.

    Last edited by Mozzarc: 15/06/24
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