Extremist Muslims, page-7

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: Extremist Muslims - Anxious That's a difficult question.

    My view however is that it's not about how many are extremists, but rather how many will follow blindly what the extremists instruct.

    You have to remember that the average Muslim does not view the "extremist" as being an extremist.

    In their lexicon it is possible that the word extremist has totally different connotations. Also keep in mind that there is a high degree of "backwardness" not necessarily illiteracy although I would hazard a guess that as a % of the Muslim population, generally it would be very high as well.

    These backward masses have a fundamental belief in their Mullah's. That does not mean to say that they are fundamentalists. Their belief in the Mullah is.

    A comparitive view might be for example, the countries that believe in witch doctors and voodoo dolls. The people become zombie like.

    So you have huge numbers of Islamic zombies, to whom it has not even occured that their leaders/witchdoctors are manipulative, and therefore will do whatever is asked of them. The leaders are generally well educated and know what they are doing. They are the fundamentalists who have convinced themselves that the Koran wants whatever and that the ends justify the means.

    So they either control the masses through fear, using goon squads or through constant ravings to their entranced masses, who really believe that if they carry out an instruction by a "man of god", their Allah, they will be granted an eternal place in heaven with those raving 72 virgins.

    And this is no joke. If one does nothing they only grow stronger. It's almost like letting Al Capone rule Chicago and no one does a thing because of fear or payoffs. The longer that goes on, the greater the fear, the greater the area of where the fear is practiced and then it's too late.

    The idea is to take them head on. Doesn't mean that one should go and belt the crap out of any Muslim they happen to meet. Not at all!

    But Muslims, once they become aware that they are going to be met head on, with a force stronger than them, they may start to use their noodles.

    As to the ringleaders, the known terrorists or the incitors, those who stir up the gullible masses up to the point where their hatred of infidels is consumate, without rhyme or reason, the sooner they are dispatched to their brothels in the sky, the better it is or will be for mankind.

    They may think that they have rhyme and reason, but it's an illusion. It's purely a mirage, and we Wetserners should not afll for the same mirage. It's not the fault of the US, it's not the fault of Israel, it's not communism, or socialism.

    It will always be our fault simply because we are Infidels. Once we accept that it really boils down to that, we will win, because we will have finally worked out the stakes.

    There are no 2nd prizes when the first prize means that you have to subjecate yourself to their Koran and their Allah.

    You'd rather be dead. And that's the only point you would have full agreement and concensus with the Islamic fundamentalist.

    They would have you dead as well.

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