Eygpt, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey should be advancing against the Zionists in Israel, no?, page-20

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 151
    Davo, you are correct in that the Palestinians are getting slaughtered, but maybe they have caused this situation. October 7 was an horrific attack which killed 1139 Israeli people, mostly civilians. Some were probably collateral damage as Israel reacted to the attack with their armed forces. That was an act of war, and a war is what they got.
    The Palestinians have been used by the Arab world IMO as a counter force to the Israelis when they should have been living beside them in peace. That was the aim of the zionists expressed by Israel jewish leaders after WW1. The land of Israel had been a territory of the Ottoman empire till they were defeated by a British force, and that area was now a British protectorate. The Balfour Declaration created in 1917 outlined the British intent to establish the area of Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people. The declaration also stated nothing was to be done to prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non jewish arabs.
    After WW2 Israel was given membership to the UN in 1948. Palestine has never been a country. The Gaza Strip was administered by Egypt till they attacked Israel in 1967 losing the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip to Israel. Egypt recovered the Sinai Peninsula after the Camp David Accords and subsequent peace treaty in 1978, without firing a shot. Israel got use of the Suez canal, demilitarized Sinai and peace.
    By 1948 things had deteriorated between jews and arabs, and what the jews were doing could be called ethnic cleansing. The arabs were losing the civil war and the Arab League armies were preparing to enter Israel. Estimated 750k arabs fled or were pushed out. The arab league armies lost the war. That is the year of the NAKBA (catastrophe). That was the year Israel declared independence. Israel celebrates independence day only a day apart from the day the Arabs denote as NAKBA day. That is when the Palestinian arabs lost their hope, national aspirations and homeland. They had become a nation of refugees, just like the jews had been, with no right of return. They had been forced to pay for the European atrocities against the jews in WW2 with their lives and land. 2024 is shaping up to be another NAKBA. Tough breaks caused by stupid or corrupt leadership IMO.
    The Mossad are supposed to be one of the world's top intelligence agencies. Does anybody really think they were caught by surprise on the October 7 attack. I think it is not the first time the Palestinians have been used as pawns, but just my opinion.
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