Eygpt, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey should be advancing against the Zionists in Israel, no?, page-26

  1. 5,865 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 144
    Is that how you see it kellby. I guess the Egyptians do not want a huge influx of Palestinians. You are saying Egypt are locking out the Palestinians to make a political point. Facing ethnic cleansing and almost genocide to make a political point!. I would guess the Egyptians do not want the instability of a strong Palestinian presence in Egypt. Imagine how the recovery and fightback from the arab spring would have played out with Palestinians going against the moderates , like what happened in Lebanon.
    No doubt the Palestinians were kept in refugee camps for a few generations to keep up the pressure for a return to Israel. That is never going to happen unless in the very unlikely event, Israel, a nuclear power suffers a complete military defeat.
    in 1948 they were told to get out of the way so the Arab League armies could wipe out the jews. The Arab League was defeated, leaving the Palestinians as a nation of refugees. They will never get the original partition of Israel, or even anything close to it. Now, thanks to the fools who carried the Oct 7 attack on Israel, they will probably lose much of the Gaza Strip, and safety zones around settlements in the West Bank are being expanded.
    To me it is clear the Palestinians are being used again, to scupper the trade treaty being put together between Israel and the Saudis. In that it succeeded, but at what a terrible cost to Hamas and the Palestinian people of Gaza. They started the shooting war. Why would you do that with Netanyahu in power.
    The Palestinians are carrying this unequal fight against Israel for all the arabs. Once again the people with the least resources are sacrificing their land and blood, and it looks like no one is coming to help or even offer refuge.
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