what a crock

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    • Covid 19 pandemic Ms Kassandra
      Mouzis Brudenel lYOUR SUBMISSION

      Submission:Dear Parliament,

      Never in my life, as a young Australian, have I seen this much poverty and a lack of government accountability. I've exceeded my 5km radius many times, to support those who are hungry with food donations and to ease the burden of long lockdowns on friends and family with decaying mental health .If I can prevent a single person from becoming a statistic, then I will. I will preserve my conscience, unlike many in positions of power right now. They say "staying apart, keeps us together", yet I beg to differ, because, the staying apart is the very cause of suicide. The staying apart rule, prevents me from feeding my fellow brother and sisters in Melbourne.

      The most disturbing part is; the shaming from fellow Victorians who are so scared of this virus, that they have lost their dignity and compassion for those suffering from all non related covid issues. They dare to criticize people who see the dire need many are in, and call us selfish for exceeding the invisible 5kmbarrier. There is no science backed rationale for this rule, which divides and prevents us from assisting struggling Victorians .We have allowed the pandemic to run its course and we now see, it's the adverse impacts of lockdown that are killing people, not covid. Staying apart for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate is the epitome of ludicrousness.

      When we look back on our history and see this virus for what it really is, I certainly will be proud that I wasn't on the side of the oppressor; that I stood up for human rights and did the governments job in protecting and providing for Victorians where I could. I will tell my children that I spoke out despite the scrutiny from uninformed media drowned opposition. Most importantly, that I fought for their civil liberties and economic opportunities .Please review my formal letter attached, which conveys in great detail as to why these lockdowns are too extreme for the threat imposed by this "virus:" My rationelle is backed by various independent experts, and t hey too, dare to expose the truth. Inquiry into the Victorian Government's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic .

      I also urge you to review the world's largest court case launched for covid related crimes against humanity. Leading German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Reiner Fuell mich specialises globally on the prosecution of fraudulent corporations. He now leads a stellar team of international lawyers in what will become the world’s largest global court case—against all protagonists and accomplices in what is now being termed ‘The COVID Scandal’ .In this bombshell narrative, he lays down the background and details of the upcoming case. The game is over, the lies are exposed, people aren't afraid anymore. The longer this charade goes on; there will be increased poverty, suicides and certainly vigilante rallies, as the police are no longer serving the people, but rather following unethical orders.

      Thank you for your careful review. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

      :Enough is Enough !

what a crock

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