F35 report, page-18

  1. 22,391 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 125

    I've located a post on a forum I caught it at earlier if anyone wants to see israel threatening an EMP attack. Scrrenshot is at https://postimg.cc/JD1CgLY6
    Have a blessed day.
    Posted by: NJH | Apr 20 2024 20:20 utc | 244

    The cited post is from the thread about Isarel's 'quiet' retaliation

    Isn't that interesting!

    Now, none other than P. Escobar 'confirms' that was not an empty threat, and the infamous UK Daily Mail claims the US has developed weapons to obliterate Iran's nuclear sites, as posted earlier in this thread.

    The conclusion (that is expected) is - Israel's retaliation for Iran's retaliation was not "toys" or a "nothingburger" but in fact a nuclear attack that didn't succeed only because Russia prevented it by shooting down the nuclear armed plane of a country which officially does not have nuclear weapons.

    All of that nicely fits in and is supposed to inform us that the Zionists are a force to be reckoned with, not underestimated or ridiculed. That is why no one has the guts (or balls) to openly expose what really happened (except P. Escobar).

    Fantastic!, to borrow the comment someone had on the story that five guys and a gal got into a yacht and sailed off to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines.

    Posted by: JB | Apr 20 2024 21:07 utc

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