Face it MT is not a leftie as you lot think

  1. 9,068 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17524
    In another thread I typed the following in italics below as I see the ALP are in front on policy.  Now, purpose of this post, to teh right read this MT is not a leftie because:
    1.  He supports the biggest giveaway in company tax cuts for entities who don't like paying tax.  If he was smart he would reduce the tax rate for small business, but no MT wants multinationals to pay even less tax than what they do.
    2.  MT still supports all those lovely tax concessions such as NG, CGT discount (note:  I support the CGT discount on productive investments btw not investment property btw).
    3.  MT believes a budget be balanced solely by spending cuts btw and he believes in the Laffer curve, which is a laugh (see point 1 above)
    4.  Despite what he use to do, MT hasn't implemented climate change solutions (and what he has done in that area is solely for international relations purposes but basically he has not done much in that area).  For the record look at what he says in terms of Australia's spiralling electricity costs - his solution has been more coal and gas, and in terms of the latter seeking more gas from LNG operations for the domestic market.
    5.  MT does not believe in tariff controls (unlike Trump).  Oh ye his government wanted the Adani coal mine to happen btw
    6.  MT followed through with TAs plan of no further subisidies for the car industry as well as remaining tough on stopping the boats (how many boats have we had under MT).
    7.  Who reformed the Senate - wasn't it MT and if he had his way he would have gone a lot further.
    8. Before you blabber SSM let me say this, Australia supported it, it was never going to be defeated so get over it.
    9.  Work for the dole/drug testing for welfare recipients etc

    And now we think of the left - the ALP - how many of the above did the ALP oppose. All of them except 8.

    My case rested your honour, but let the slogans begin.  Don't confuse ultra right wing with the LP btw because the LP ain't the ALA or Bernardi's party.

    All IMO

    Actually since so many are calling people here left, lets talk Trump. His tariff policy is pretty left. You know you righties believe in the free market and laisser faire economics, because that is what TA believes in btw, but one of the heros you quote is actually quite left. By the way I support his tariff polices because the world ain't a level playing field - look at China and its regimes on tariffs before we get to the blocks for Japan etc - and laisser faire economics is code for more multinational profits offshore (on top of their tax avoidance) and less jobs and destruction of industry. So to the right I actually think most of you lot haven't got a clue on what left and right means. You know you other hero -Pauline - doesn't support the company tax cuts because she thinks laffer is a joke, as I do, but again hero TA loves the laffer curve LOL

    Now back to MT, it is about policy. If MT is damaged goods, and I dare say he is, the LNP need to look to a new leader, not deadwood moronic TA, but maybe Porter or Hastie but without a change in policy settings they are doomed. And you lot, that is directed to the right, seem to be devoid of understanding the policy environment and why the ALP will win. It ain't MT, just a factor, it is about policy. I am surprised some of you are not actors in a movie where your soul role is to chant slogans like "Two feet bad, 4 feet good" LOL because all I hear from the right on these forums is slogans without fact.

    And as far as I am concerned, unless policy changes the LP will be history at the next election, regardless of who leads it. There are first order polices, and 2nd order policies. For the record SSM was a 2nd order policy - a nice to have or have not but will not sway people's votes one iota. Immigration borders on a first and 2nd order priority IMO but will not sway people to vote for the LNP if their are other first order policies voters see as important and there are a swag of them IMO where the LP is miles behind the ALP on them. Now what will the LP do in these areas - didley squat is the answer right now and that is why the ALP will win regardless of who leads the LP.

    The key policy issue of housing affordability and policy to address that the ALP is miles in front with the LP still having their heads buried in the sand. There is a reason why the average house to income ratio has gone from less than 3 times 1990 to more than 10 times in some cities and above 5 times in all other cities and it ain't greed by first home buyers. The economy been frail because of the explosion in private debt, the majority of which is in the mortgage is the result of government incompetence (still no restrictions of foreigners and NG btw and people understand that).

    Then there is cut spending mantra but reduce taxes to already tax dodgers. Not a good look when multinationals are getting away with murder already. Again ALP is in front there policy wise.

    I could ramble on other areas but this election will be won because the LP has no agreement on the policy areas that matter to voters (and whether you think the ALP policies go to far or not far enough is not the issue because voters are saying they are doing something in the areas that matter to them). The problem I have with the ALP is outside those areas the ALP is a dogs breakfast - I only support skilled migration btw for example - but that does not matter because the areas they are in front policy wise will win them government regardless who leads the LP (without change to policy).

    But continue to argue personalities. That won't change a thing until the LP wake up and govern for everyone rather than there mates. Just imaging what will happen to the economy if interest rates rose with so many people in housing debt buying an average house (yes this comment is directed to those who say live in the regions where no jobs or just live decades away from the outskirts of the city and we are talking average here not mansions). A key role of gov is look after its citizens standard of living wise and the LP has failed miserably in this area (as did Gillard and Rudd). And the current LP with heads in the sand will deliver govt to the ALP without policy changes. That is for sure.
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