I get the opinion some of the people on this forum are so...

  1. 17,446 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    I get the opinion some of the people on this forum are so obstinate in their perception of the real world as to make any debate within this forum as an exercise in futility. This may well be by design so that the Coalition/Labor establishment can continue on as two sides of the pond into perpetuity.

    So in this regard and to show that I care, even though I have right leanings from other peoples perspectives, I am going to throw up a neutral topic in an attempt to enlighten a few.

    To Eagle and friends, if Eagle or myself was walking down the street why does someone who likes my shirt not come up and whack me and take the shirt??

    I am not expecting an answer, so I am going to provide one to hopefully open the lefts eyes on an extreme topic which kicks home the point!!

    Some will say it is because we have respect for one another, some will say it is because of religious beliefs and some will say because people think it is wrong, socially unacceptable whether from education or other learning.

    The truth though, IMO, is the reason Eagle or myself do not get whacked down the main street from someone wanting our shirt is because the person wanting the shirt understands their current pasture they are in is better than jail.
    There are other reasons but from a social collective perspective in terms of order this is the main reason people do not whack each other down the street.

    Now how does this apply to the current paradigm one may ask?

    Well, the left may not realise this , but the performance of Rudd's govt is so extremely bad, that the nexus between breaking the law/disorder and going to jail is falling apart. Why? Well the difference between jail and living in Australian society for some is not that different these days. Everyone is owned, no one has any individual rights, people are slaves to the bosses and mortgage and where they are now is not that much greener than jail particularly regarding a stable environment going into the communist revolution Rudd is pursuing.

    So apart from financially impossible a Rudd world is socially impossible in terms of order, harmony, peace, and prosperity. People will simply choose their other pasture like the money is choosing another home from the mining companies!!!!

    Not that I have been in jail I might add, but I heard some people think the measure of society is reflected in the jails. When I first heard this I thought it mean't the better the jails the better society, chance of reform etcc..., and this is probably what they mean't. But now I see things differently. The jails aren't that bad for some so their is little deterrent for someone on the border line to be socially destructive rather than constructive! At least this may well be the initial perspective on the outside. After all, you don't see jails harsh life on a murder sign down the street like a cigarette cancer packet display!!!!
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