Failure to model costs of climate change to coal, gas ‘beggars belief’, page-10

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 119
    Heard on ABC Radio this morning that our Resources Minister Keith Pitt has just been demoted from Cabinet. Has anyone confirmation of this, and the reasoning why when Resources are this countries most important industry sector underlining Australia's past present and future wealth and prosperity? If so I think all Australians should be deeply concerned by this most unwise decision.
    If this proves to be pandering to despairing anti mining woke brigade and the 2050 Green zero Carbon emissions agenda then I believe many clear thinkers and anyone who has been involved in mining will reassess just who they can vote for in future elections!
    At a time when Manufacturing in this country has been in long term decline by design, the very future of Australia's prosperity for generations to come will depend on Mining, Base Load Power Generation, Agriculture, and Water Resources, with more Dams. The sheer madness of the continuing push to close down our coal industry, and coal fired power station base load power in particular will be devastating to Australia's and Queensland's economy, when China, India,Japan etc are continuing building hundreds of Coal Power Stations far into the future using Australian high quality steaming coal for their own low cost power generation and competitive advantage. Clean Coal tech. is trialed and proven by Japan in particular so why I wonder is there no debate on this to secure our energy future for Base Load Power. The four major base load power options are simply Coal, Gas, Hydro and Nuclear. Nuclear we don't have and any decision on this would take 20 years to plan and build in any case. Hydro Power is a limited option due to Australia's geography, leaving Coal and Gas has our only real option far out into the future. To simply depend on so called renewable energy and battery storage for all our energy particularly for Base Load Power will be proven as lunacy with current wind and solar and battery storage available. The current high demand, and prices paid for the Pilbara Iron Ore is cushioning us all for the time being, however this luck will most likely eventually run out, and then I fear the Lucky Country No More. With the continuing push to even close down all of our Coal Fired Power Stations the city lights will eventually dim with an increasingly Renewable Energy unstable Power Grid, then who is going to scream the most?
    I think it is a priority for our Government to have the fortitude, and inner strength to put our Resources Minister back in the Inner Cabinet where he is now so badly needed, along with the promotion to the Ministry of people of the calibre of Matt Canavan who is also a very strong proponent of the importance of mining, and base load power etc to this country to ensure key debate and decisions are made for all future generations to come.
    The current despairing increasing inner city woke brigade, and Green vote buying focus will only result in continuing decline with ever increasing cost of power and increasing power outages such as as already been occurring in South Australia, and Victoria. I have personally been employed in both Mining and Power Generation in Australia, and have some basic insight into how they are both so important to this countries well being. With debt now piling up massively both in the States and Nationally I believe it to be imperative we as a country choose the right path forward from here. If we don't then our children, and grand kids will not thank us for it in the decline that follows.
    Finally I have just watched Planet of the Humans produced by Michael Moore which is well worth watching for all for a very chilling look into the global renewable energy push. Watch this and it may just make us all re assess.
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