faith v credulity, page-70

  1. 6,599 Posts.
    It's amazing the things we say, and the things we think we say and mean. Yet somehow we always give ourselves away.

    'you are not my opponent,
    i never have a battle of wits with anyone unarmed' -

    The word, unarmed most certainly renders it a battle of wits.
    Posting back and forth renders it a battle of wits.
    DBT9 seems rather well armed and you seem to going okay as well.

    I think faith is something one should fight their hardest not to give away. Faith is the very last line of defence, not the first thing we put forth in trying to understand the great themes of the spirt. Faith is the final capitulation when logic, evidence, experience and observation leave no choice but to believe something. Then and only then is it real Faith rather than pandering to some weakness in the mind or a need to belong at any cost.

    Faith is also the first thing one should discard when exposed to a better truth. It was faith that enabled the Jews to reject Jesus.

    DBT9 has at this stage of his life an unwavering faith in science to answer all of life's great questions. And it will answer many and protect him from many ludicrous religious beliefs. Well, if he truly goes deeply into the discoveries of science, to the coal-face of science, he will find more questions than answers.

    The answer to one of those questions might then be that certain aspects of the universe are profoundly beyond the logic of science.
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