fall of baghdad -where are the doomsayers now !!

  1. 1,978 Posts.
    I have tried to stay out of the Iraqi war debate lately but I am so happy that men of good faith have prevailed -albiet at a cost - and I now say to the rabid anti-war brigade and the stupid protestors " go and hang your head in shame". When we went into Afghanistan even people who should have known better were on TV telling us we were going to be slaughtered in the ravines like the Russians. In my own mind I worked my own war plan and simply could not see that happening with modern technology-and it didn't. Again in the Iraq press coverage we were subjected to all the doomsayer 'experts' -even the Aussie guy who filmed those distressing scenes a few nights ago- and obviously a genuine guy - telling us there would be very high casualties on both sides. My reaction was -absolute bunkum.
    Television has been trotting out all these so called experts who collectively were just repeating dire warnings by the same type of doomsayers who were wrong about Afghanistan without doing any in-depth analysis- or presenting alternative views. I personally predicted a cakewalk -it 'aint all over yet but it will be within days -and all the experts and well meaning ex generals and commanders should also hang their head in shame for so underestimating the war plan or for not having the guts to stick their neck out if they believed otherwise.

    This is not the start of a new thread -so I won't bite - because we have a hell of a way to go yet in the political sense -but I am sure if the 'ardents' of this world (who is missing in action ) will agree we now 'give peace a chance' on the warmongers terms -as we were labelled and hope and pray the poor Iraqi people can build a prosperous country.

    And all of you who are going to say the coalition is there for the oil or some other cooked up agenda -like that mouthy idiot Bob Brown - you are simply wrong. If we can sort out the Middle East road map Bush/Blair will go down as great men in history !!!

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