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    Even the military are only saying "may be several hundred foreogners".

    U.S. Troops Advance to Fallujah's Edge

    By Alissa J. Rubin, Patrick McDonnell and John Hendren, LATimes Staff Writers

    BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 8 -- U.S. warplanes pummeled suspected insurgent positions in Fallujah early Monday as thousands of American troops advanced to the edges of the rebel-held city and prepared to launch an all-out assault.

    Iraqi commandos and U.S. troops captured a hospital in Fallujah late Sunday. The facility was seized "to ensure that there was a medical treament facility available to the population as well as making sure the insurgents could not continue to exaggerate casualties," a senior Defense official said on condition of anonymity.

    U.S. forces halted traffic in and out of Fallujah by nightfall, and roads in the surrounding countryside were blocked, presumably to stop fighters from trying to escape and prevent reinforcements from entering or sending in arms.

    The military movements in Fallujah came just hours after the Iraqi government declared a state of emergency in most of the country, anticipating that violence could escalate nationwide once U.S. forces storm the city, about 30 miles west of Baghdad.

    While the looming showdown in Fallujah is in some ways a rematch of April's aborted four-day Marine assault on the city, this battle could be much larger and longer.

    This time, the U.S. troops have taken longer to prepare, and say they are determined to go in with overwhelming force and finish the fighting instead of halting halfway through.

    In April, fewer than 3,000 troops were initially deployed. This time, U.S. forces are known to have trained two regimental combat teams -- which could total more than 6,000 men -- to spearhead the assault, including Marines, soldiers, sailors and extensive Air Force support. . In addition, thousands of Army and other troops are supporting the effort.

    In another contrast with April's assault, Prime Minister Ayad Allawi has sent envoys to neighboring countries explain his approach, hoping to avoid the kind of criticism Arab countries leveled at the United States over the spring attack.

    On the insurgent side, the rebels appear to be far more numerous, better organized and well armed than they were in April, according to Fallujah residents who are in the city or recently left.

    U.S. intelligence estimates that as many as 5,000 militants may be hunkered down in the city. Most are believed to be Iraqi, including many former members of Saddam Hussein's army, but several hundred foreigners may also be on the scene.

    Residents reported continuous explosions Sunday evening, and some said all the town wanted was peace.

    "We are just a helpless and feeble town; a town like an old man! Still, the U.S. is accumulating its armies and troops against Fallujah ... as if Fallujah is a superpower that stands in the face of America," said Haji Mahmood Allawi, a former colonel in the Iraqi army who has stayed in Fallujah for the fight. "If you look at what is arrayed against Fallujah, you would think World War III was going to take place."

    Residents warned that U.S. troops who enter Fallujah may be met with booby-trapped buildings, mined streets and dozens of suicide car bombers.

    "People of Fallujah have encircled the city with mines. ... Whenever the American troops try to advance, they will find them in their way," said Fadel Jasim 40, a shop owner.

    Insurgents have threatened to launch attacks throughout the country if Marines storm Fallujah, and in recent days, militants have stepped up attacks on Iraqi police and soldiers.

    At least 50 people have been killed in the last two days. At dawn Sunday, 20 Iraqi policemen were slain in a western town. On Saturday, 30 people were killed in bombings and shootings in Samarra.

    The increased violence prompted the government to invoke the emergency laws, which will be in effect for 60 days, said Thair Al Nakib, spokesman for Allawi, the prime minister.

    Under the state of the emergency, the government has sweeping powers to impose curfews and cordons; use wiretaps and other listening devices; limit associations, unions and other organizations; and freeze bank accounts and seize assets.

    In addition, authorities can detain anyone believed to be involved in "an ongoing campaign of violence ... for the purpose of preventing the establishment of a broad-based government in Iraq, or to hinder the peaceful participation of all Iraqis in the political process," officials said.

    Detainees must appear within 24 hours before an investigative judge, but there is no limit on the detention period. Once in effect, the state of emergency can be extended indefinitely.

    The only area of the country exempt from the emergency law is the far northern region Kurdistan, which has experienced little violence in recent months. There is little fear that the assault on Fallujah will inflame passions or spark attacks in the region, which is dominated by Kurds.

    The emergency law "is in response to the violation we are feeling in Iraq, and it's a clear message to all the people from outside who came to destabilize the country," Nakib said.

    Allawi's invocation of the law was starkly at odds with his declaration in late September on a visit to the Untied States that "all but three provinces of Iraq are calm."

    Sheikh Mohammed Basher Faidhi, spokesman for the Sunni Muslim Scholars Association, predicted that the emergency laws would only worsen matters.

    "This will increase the violence," he said. "Now the government can not protect itself, how can it control the country?"

    As Nakib briefed reporters on details of the emergency law, a loud explosion was heard. Later, it was reported that the blast was a rocket hitting near the finance minister's home.

    There were at least three other attacks Sunday, killing two U.S. soldiers, at least one Iraqi civilian and wounding several more people -- both Iraqis and U.S. soldiers.

    As Marines prepared Sunday to take up positions around Fallouja, Marine brass sought to motivate the troops.

    "This town (is) being held hostage by mugs, thugs, murderers and intimidators," Lt. Gen. John F. Sattler, head of the I Marine Expeditionary Force, told troops at a base where several thousand Marines have been preparing for battle. "All they need for us is to give them the opportunity to break the back of that intimidation."

    Earlier, Maj. Gen. Richard F. Natonski, who heads the 1st Marine Division, visited barracks and said the battle for Fallujah would likely stand in Marine history along with other celebrated episodes, from Iwo Jima to Inchon to Hue.

    "The eyes of the world are upon you, and I know you won't let us down," Natonski said. "When they're talking about the history of the Marine Corps 100 years from now, they'll be talking about this battle."

    Rubin reported from Baghdad, Hendren from Washington and McDonnell from near Fallujah. Suhail Hussain of the Times' Baghdad bureau and a Times stringer in Fallujah contributed to this report.
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