False religion in the Bible bears the name “Babylon the Great.”...

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    False religion in the Bible bears the name “Babylon the Great.” It has down through time worked hand in glove with the political system to influence & control the people.
    (Revelation 17:1, 2) One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me: “Come, I will show you the judgment on the great prostitute who sits on many waters,  with whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality, and earth’s inhabitants were made drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.”
    This harlot fittingly stands for all false religion, foremost of which are the churches of Christendom. It is a prostitute in the sense that claims allegiance to God but is in reality serving political interests.
    (James 4:4) Adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is making himself an enemy of God.
    Babylon the Great has in recent times seen the waters, the people who support her, dry up dramatically. (Rev. 16:12; 17:15). The churches of Christendom—an influential part of Babylon the Great once dominated the Western world. Today, the churches and their ministers have lost the respect and support of the masses. In fact, many people believe that religion contributes to or causes conflict. Just a quick read of World Events & Philosophy & Religion threads testifies to that fact. Don't think because it is mainly anti Islam in this part of the world that Christendom is not justifiably hated in other regions.
    Soon Jehovah will cause the political elements of Satan’s system, as represented by the United Nations, to attack false religion. They will destroy her influence and devastate her riches. Such an event may have seemed unlikely just decades ago. Today, the harlot teeters on the back of a scarlet-colored beast (the UN). She will not slip slowly from her seat. Her tumble will be sudden and violent.—Rev. 18:7, 8, 15-19.
    The call therefore becomes increasingly urgent:
    (Revelation 18:4) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.
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