false religions end is near, page-4

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    RM, worship of Jehovah is proper because he is the Supreme Sovereign of the entire universe, the Creator of the awe-inspiring heavens and the earth with all its life-forms. As such, he alone is worthy of being regarded with “great, even extravagant respect, honor, or devotion” on the part of humans which is how Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1986 defines "to worship."
    Jesus Christ said: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” (Matthew 22:37) Also, when offered all the kingdoms of the world if he would perform just one “act of worship” to Satan, Jesus refused, declaring: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Luke 4:7, 8) From Jesus’ words and actions, it is clear that only Jehovah God is to be worshiped.
    There are many commonly accepted religious teachings and practices that have diverted people from the true worship of the Creator, the trinity concept being just on example.
    Why is he alone deserving of our worship? The Bible states: “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)
    Have you noticed how trinitarians have no trouble understanding that when the Bible credits Solomon as being the one to build the temple this does mean no one else worked with him? - 1 Kings 5:5. Why then is it hard for some to understand that Jehovah alone is to be worshipped as the Creator? Simply because Jesus was used as the "master worker" in the earthly creation does not make him the creator! - Proverbs 8:30 ; Colossians 1:17. Why is it that when God said: “Let us make man in our image,"... Gen 1:26, they cannot fathom that God was not talking to himself?
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