Far Enough - Vote Yes, page-173

  1. 47,981 Posts.
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    @Rock57; my short responses to those questions appear immediately after each of them ... please note that my responses are private ones and NOT in any way those of either the "YES" Campaign or of Australia's First Peoples [I am NOT an indigenous Australian]:

    Please note also that if the referendum is carried that many of your questions have answers which will be determined by Parliament afterwards - your request for an answer to such questions is therefore premature:

    ● Who will be eligible to serve on the body? Indigenous people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

    ● What are the prerequisitesfor nomination? Parliament to determine.

    ● Will the Governmentclarify the definition of aboriginality to determine who can serve on the body? This is expertly dealt with via the First Peoples Creative Spirits website - https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/people/aboriginal-identity-who-is-aboriginal

    ● How will members be elected,chosen or appointed? Parliament to determine.

    ● How many people willmake up the body? Parliament to determine.

    ● How much will itcost taxpayers annually? Parliament to determine, albeit we're advised that taxpayers money will be used more effectively and savings may indeed accrue to the Budget as a consequence.

    ● What are itsfunctions and powers? To provide a VOICE to Parliament and to Executive Government for First Peoples.

    ● Is it purelyadvisory, or will it have decision-making capabilities? Purely advisory.

    ● Who will oversee thebody and ensure it is accountable? Parliament - details to be determined by Parliament.

    ● If needed, can thebody be dissolved and reconstituted in extraordinary circumstances? Parliament will be responsible for legislating the structure and processes. These may change but will not be able to deny First Peoples a Voice to Parliament and to Executive Government.

    ● How will theGovernment ensure that the body includes those who still need to get a platformin Australian public life? There are 'guiding principles' for Parliament to follow in drafting necessary legislation.

    ● How will it interactwith the Closing the Gap process? Parliament to determine.

    ● Will the Governmentrule out using the Voice to negotiate any national treaty? The Voice will be an advisory body, NOT a negotiator / operator.

    ● Will the Governmentcommit to Local and Regional Voices, as recommended in the report on theco-design process led by Tom Calma and Marcia Langton? The Voice is essentially about enabling advice to flow directly from local indigenous communities to Parliament and to Executive Government - it will not be a 'Canberran Elite'.

    ● If not, how will iteffectively address the real issues that impact people's lives daily on theground in the community? The Voice will ensure direct feedback between local indigenous communities and Parliament.
    Who will Audit thewhole 'cost to taxpayers' on an ongoing basis. AND report 'the truth' to thePublic ? - No Government members -- please.
    Parliament to determine. Hopefully not PWC, KPMG, E&Y or Deloitte.

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