It seems nearly everyday we hear about large farming operations...

  1. 420 Posts.
    It seems nearly everyday we hear about large farming operations either going broke or into foreign hands. I'm a 3rd generation farmer myself and am struggling to remain viable. Many changing factors here in Australia that give our competitors the edge. Compliance standards here that give consumers healthy, sustainable food comes at a price many competing countries don't have to meet. Consumers here simply want cheap food, and the people that exercise moral selection when shopping based on where it is grown, unfortunately are a minority.
    It seems with farming these days, everyone wants to have their say in how it should be done. Organizations have been formed, demonstrations held etc etc in attempts to push Australian agriculture in a certain direction. These people are more than happy to dictate to agriculture, just so long as it doesn't effect their own livelihoods or raise the price of their food bill.
    There is always a "lag" factor with changes in agriculture, some of which take years to eventuate. When we start having to rely on our food stock coming from other countries, whilst food and fibre grown here on foreign owned farms, well...then it will be to late.
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